Summer Isles Hotel

4 İncelemeye göre


David G
107 month ago
Food is v good in the restaurant, but all a bit formal. If we'd know the cosy, busy bar next door that also did great food, we'd have eaten there. Unfortunately we weren't given option when we booked
John F
152 month ago
Not the cheapest place to stay in the area by a long chalk but the restaurant is open to non-residents and there is an adjacent bar serving bar meals cooked in the restaurant's kitchen.
Rory B
154 month ago
*Mature* crowd for dinner - everyone eats in one sitting. Bit expensive. Nice for a special occasion but probably more fun in the bar.
John F
168 month ago
Make sure you fill up with fuel at Ullapool!!
  • Ullapool, Highland, I v26, İngiltere, GPS: 58.018173,-5.342734