کاروانسرای دیر گچین

Tarihi Yer
10 İncelemeye göre


Mostafa M
44 month ago
It is one of the biggest oldest caravansaries in Iran. It was founded in Sasani'es era, repaired for times. They are repairing the whole building and foundation in the time I am writing this review.
Mostafa M
44 month ago
It is one of the biggest oldest carvansaries in Iran. It was founded in Sasani'es era, repaired for times. Mostafa Meraji
Mostafa M
44 month ago
It was founded in Sasani'es era, repaired for times. They are repairing the whole building and foundation in the time I am writing this review. Mostafa Meraji
Mostafa M
44 month ago
It is one of the biggest oldest carvansaries in Iran. (Photographer: Mostafa Meraji)
Mostafa M
44 month ago
you can go to safe parts of the roof to observe stars. Photo By: Mostafa Meraji
Mostafa M
64 month ago
کاروانسرای دیرگلین در کنار کاروانسرای ساسانی دیرگچین که با مصالحی از دیرگچین در دوره قاجاریه ساخته شده است و به سرعت هم تخریب شده
mostafa m
69 month ago
Deir-e Gachin Caravansarai is one of the greatest caravansarais of Iran which is located in the center of Kavir National Park.
mostafa m
69 month ago
Даир-е Гячин караван-сарай, расположенный в 35 км на юго-западе от крупного города Варамин, на маршруте древней дороги из Рея в Кум.
Mostafa M
69 month ago
شترها در اطراف کاروانسرای دیر گچین، پارک ملی کویر
mostafa m
69 month ago
اتاق های وی آی پی اقامتی، کاروانسرای دیر گچین، بزرگترین کاروانسرای خشتی گچی ایران با قدمت ساسانی
  • haram ta haram high way, İran, GPS: 35.058197,51.420547